Aesop said a man is known by the company he keeps. So are the students of Houston Academy of Dance and West University Dance Centre, and the company is impressive.
Pardon us if we brag a bit, but we are proud of the work our dancers have done over the past year. They’ve dedicated themselves to the process, and the product shows it.
American Ballet Competition-International Ballet Competition
2 Attended Finals in Tampa Florida
International Ballet Academy
Sarasota Ballet
Idaho Ballet
Richmond Ballet
Oklahoma Ballet
Youth America Grand Prix
4 in top 24 Contemporary
3 in top 24 Ballet
3 Duet/Trio in top 12
Next Generation
Universal Ballet Competition
10 Contemporary Solos invited to finals
5 Classical Solos invited to finals
3 Duet/Trios invited to finals
Joffrey Ballet
Summer Study
Alvin Ailey
American Ballet Theatre
International Ballet Academy
Next Generation
Naples Ballet
Austin Ballet
Sarasota Ballet
North Carolina School of the Arts