Making it all work
What You Need to Know
Lobby Rules
Do not leave valuables unattended. HAD/WUDC is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Take valuables into the studio with you.
No sitting or playing on stairs
Area must be kept quiet during classes
No tapping/knocking on studio windows
Earphones must be used while listening to music or playing video games
Children must not be left unattended; please accompany to the water fountain
Do not move or remove furniture
Studio Rules
No food, drinks or chewing gum are allowed in the studios. Water bottles are allowed.
Siblings are not allowed in the dressing room, office area or studios and should never be left unattended.
Teachers reserve the right to dismiss any student who repeatedly disrupts class or fails to adhere to dress code.
Parents, please do not interrupt teachers while class is in session. Check with the front office to see when the teacher is available.
Purses, jewelry and other valuables should not be left unattended in the dressing room or lobby. The studio is not responsible for loss or theft of personal items.
For safety, dancers should wear street clothes to/from the studio.
Class Make-ups
Please notify the office when student is unable to attend classes.
Dropping Classes
You must notify the studio in writing to drop a class; you will be responsible for any tuition/fees until notification has been received.
Class Etiquette
Consistency and punctuality complement and enhance the overall learning experience. Tardiness is to be avoided as it disrupts the work and progress of others.
Houston Academy of Dance and West University Dance Centre offer four payment options for classes. The studios also offer a 15% family discount for two or more members. The child or children with the lowest tuition receives the discount. Tuition is non-refundable.
We accept cash, check, money order, Discover, MasterCard or Visa
No tuition refunds. No credits. No exceptions.
Accounts more than 15 days past due will be assessed a $10 late charge.
$35 charge for all returned checks.
Annual Registration Fee
Single student: $55
Two students: $80
Three students or more: $100
Payment Options and Schedule
Option I: One annual payment with 5% discount; due upon registration
Option II: Two semester payments; 1st payment due upon registration, balance due in January
Option III: Four payments (Recommended for new students); 1st payment due upon registration, then remaining quarters due October, January and March
Option IV: Single class payment; $20 for 1-hour class, $25 for 1¼–1½-hour class
Late Payments
Late Charge: All accounts more than 15 days past due will be assessed a $10 late charge and will continue to be assessed monthly until paid. Discounts are not applied to payments made late.
Returned Checks: $35 charge on all returned checks.
The welfare of our students is always our priority:
HAD refers to SBISD closings to assist in determining studio closures.
WUDC refers to HISD closings to assist in determining studio closures.
Studios will conduct classes even when HISD and SBISD have off-days. Studios only close for the following:
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
Spring Break